Tunisian Soldier Kills 7 in Barracks Attack

Security tightens outside a military barracks in Tunis after a soldier opened fire on his fellow troops, May 26, 2015. (M. Krit/VOA).

A Tunisian soldier opened fire on his fellow troops Monday, killing seven and wounding 10 before he was shot dead himself.

Authorities said the attack occurred at the Bouchoucha base in Tunis, not far from where two Islamist gunmen opened fire on tourists at the Bardo national museum in March, killing 21 foreigners.

The Tunisian Interior Ministry said Monday's incident is not being viewed as a terrorist attack, although it was not clear what motivated the soldier.

The gunfire occurred only inside a military barracks, suggesting it was an internal dispute. The gunman had been forbidden from carrying a weapon, but seized another man's gun.

The shooting triggered a security alert across the Bardo district. Two military helicopters hovered overhead as police searched a nearby mosque and a school was evacuated.